Dr. Psycho: Hospital Escape is a thrilling horror escape game where you are trapped in a nightmare clinic and need to get out of there. Gather essential items to unlock doors and escape the clutches of the deranged Doctor Psycho and his psychotic patients. Time is ticking, you only have 3 days to break free. Navigate terrifying space and uncover multiple escape routes while avoiding detection. Hide in cleverly hidden places and explore the place carefully avoiding deadly traps. Can you outwit the doctor and secure your asylum escape?
Release Date
April 2022 (iOS)
June 2023 (WebGL)
Dr. Psycho: Hospital Escape was made by Walhemic Interactive.
Web browser
Last UpdatedAug 04, 2023Controls
WASD / arrow keys = move
1-5 = equip an item
E = action
C = crouch
G = drop an item
Space = exit from the hiding place
Shift = run
Tab = pause the game
Move mouse = change direction